Individual tours are now taking place for Reception 2025. 

Please call the school office to arrange a visit with our Headteacher, Mr Steer. We look forward to welcoming you to FirTree School.

Reception - Elm

Welcome to Reception – Elm Class

Class Teacher: Mrs Smith

Supported by:  Miss Braginton & Mrs Gibbons


Reading Books will be changed on Tuesday and Friday.

Your child will need their reading book and reading record book in school every day.

The children will be expected to read regularly (daily where possible) to both practise their reading skills and their comprehension – please support us in this.  The children will be encouraged to re-read the same book to develop their awareness of vocabulary, punctuation, characters, settings and story structures.  We record each time they read at home and certificates will be awarded for 50, 100, 150 reads.  Please share books daily with your children to help foster a ‘love-of-reading’.

Initially children are given story books from the book corner for a parent/carer to read to them until each child has enough phonetic awareness to be given their own school reading book with words.

Each child will take part in guided reading and shared reading at school. We will not read on a one to one basis with the children until they are on a school reading book with words.

PE is on a Tuesday. Children should have a named PE kit on their peg all week including a pair of PE shoes. Please ensure every item of clothing is labelled with your child’s name on. Please try to encourage your child to dress and undress independently at home as this will help them be prepared for when they will do this at school.PE kit will be sent home each Friday to be washed.



Within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) each child has a learning journey that documents their learning throughout the EYFS. This year we are using an online system called Tapestry that you will be able to access at home.

We will use Tapestry to record observations, comments, photos and videos to show progress across the Early Years Foundation   Stage, this will compliment other forms of observing and assessing already in place, you will be able to access your child’s Learning Journey from a computer via  or by using the ‘Tapestry’ App on mobile devices.

Please note: As part of the changes to the new EYFS framework, it means that there is less emphasis on recording paperwork, meaning we, as adults, can spend more time with your child getting to know them and having those quality interactions.


Focus Children

Once every long term your child will be a focus child for the week. We will be observing them closely while they play to find out about their interests and how they are progressing.  We send a sheet home for parents/carers to fill in as we value the knowledge and understanding you have of your child. This helps us to plan for your child’s future learning and development. We also ask that you send in recent photographs of your child enjoying activities outside of school that they can share with the class.


School Dinners

School dinners are free for Reception children. If your child is having a school dinner please order this online via Parent Pay. This needs to be done by 8am.


Water bottles

Each child needs their own clear named water bottle. This will be kept in class for your child to access throughout the day, and then sent home each day to be cleaned. This bottle should only contain water.

Homework will be set on a Friday via Tapestry and will need to be uploaded as an observation on Tapestry by the following Wednesday. Homework will be of a practical nature and may require parental support.

We look forward to working with you all this year.

Mrs Smith

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