Individual tours are now taking place for Reception 2025. 

Please call the school office to arrange a visit with our Headteacher, Mr Steer. We look forward to welcoming you to FirTree School.

Fir Tree Primary School PTA

Who are we, and what do we do?

Fir Tree Primary School’s PTA supports the school and children. The money raised is used to enhance, enrich and improve learning experiences for the children.

As well as fundraising, the PTA exists to strengthen the relationship between the parents and the school and bring those communities together.

All parents, carers and guardians of children at Fir Tree Primary School, along with teaching staff, are automatically members of the PTA. We would love to see you attend our meetings so you can be kept up to date with our fundraising efforts and to hear your new and fresh ideas for upcoming events. Meeting dates are confirmed in the school’s newsletter.

By attending our meetings, you are not committing yourself to doing work for the PTA every single week, usually our time is not needed until a week or so before an event and even then, the work for events is split into small bitesize chunks throughout the whole team!

We are also a member of ParentKind; they bring specialist fundraising support and advice so we can be a successful PTA.

Fir Tree’s PTA are not currently a registered charity, but this is an aim in the coming years.

We’ve entered in the Fun & Active Playgrounds competition and are in with a chance of winning a playground transformation worth £3000 for the new academic year! We’re crossing our fingers as the Silver Sports Package includes 6 bright and colourful playground markings that encourage physical play and activity. With a Netball Court, Dance With Me, Active Trail, Jump Game, Dartboard and 4-Way Hopscotch – the range of markings can be used to enhance breaktimes and PE lessons!

Find out more here:

How can I help?

If you are interested in getting involved in any way, big or small, please contact us on or you can find us on Facebook at

You do not need to give up much time to be able to support us, you can help us in the following ways:

  • Supporting an event and claiming matched funding through the company you work for. Any contribution is usually accepted by companies; even if it is just helping to draw tickets for a raffle, creating a poster to advertise our events or designing tickets for discos/movie nights. If you think you can help with matched funding, then please contact the PTA as this massively helps to boost the money raised by even the smallest of events.
  • Sign up to EasyFundraising to raise money for the PTA each time you shop – at no extra cost to you! Go to and join for free.
  • Second-Hand Uniform – donating, sorting and selling. Even buying second-hand uniform from us will support the PTA - please contact us with your clothing needs and we can see what we have for you to purchase from us
  • Clothing recycling – we regularly having clothing collected to be recycled by registered companies. The price they pay varies on the weight of the collection, the more we collect the more we earn!
  • Manning a stall at our summer fete
  • Donating items for our events
  • Providing your skills for events – face painting, baking, poster design, the list is endless!

Where is the PTA money spent?

The money raised is used to enhance learning and experiences for the children. The PTA aims to fund things that are not able to be covered in the school’s budget.

In recent years we have funded:

  • Resources – iPads for EYFS to record their observations on the children and allow parents to see what their child is learning in real time
  • Play – Sand and water tables, alongside a tuff spot to enhance the learning of our KS1 children
  • Experiences – providing transport for KS2 swimming lessons, school trip contributions (Year 6 residential, ice creams for the pantomime)
  • Learning – Supporting the school in raising £10,000 to enhance our outdoors learning space
  • Fun – Ice pops on sports day!

Who is on the PTA Committee?

The PTA committee consists of:

Chair: Leanne Hendry

Vice Chairs: Laura Clayton and Claire Willson

Treasurer: Subah Akhtar


Committee Members:

Lindsay Wood

Emily Copeman

Natasha Richardson

What events have we hosted?

In recent years we have raised money through:

  • Movie nights
  • Loose change challenge
  • Selling sports day refreshments
  • Easter Egg decorating competitions
  • Selling pizza kits and a competition for the best decorated pizzas
  • Summer fete
  • Clothing collections
  • Discos
  • Break the Rules non-uniform days
  • Personalised tea towels

What are we planning next?

Now COVID-19 restrictions are being lifted we are hoping to host more face-to-face events, including:

  • Discos
  • Bingo or quiz nights
  • Movie nights
  • Non-uniform days

What are we fundraising for this year?

  • New musical instruments
  • Thesauri to support the literacy curriculum
  • New books for the library
  • Transport for school trips, such as KS2 swimming lessons and potentially a Year 6 residential if these can take place this year

How to Contact us

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Facebook -

Get in Touch