Individual tours are now taking place for Reception 2025. 

Please call the school office to arrange a visit with our Headteacher, Mr Steer. We look forward to welcoming you to FirTree School.

The School Day



Nursery has the morning session 8:30am to 11:30am, or the afternoon session 12:10pm to 3:10pm - these are every day.  All-day sessions are also available 8:30am to 3:15pm for eligible families.




If you would like to accompany your children into the school grounds we will be continuing our ‘drop and go’ expectation– whilst keeping to a one-way system. You will be able to bring your child through the main school gate and then take them to the door of their classroom. We would like you to say your goodbyes quickly and then continue through a one-way system around the outside of the school, through the playground and out through the car park gate.  Parents and carers will not be permitted to enter any classrooms and should not gather outside after dropping off, instead swiftly exiting the school via the one-way system.


There will be a member of SLT or staff on the main gate to welcome your child. If you need to pass any messages to the class teacher in the morning, please do so via the home-school diary or ring the school office – as we want to get the children settled and learning from 8:30am. Alternatively, you can inform the member of staff on the gate and they will pass the information on. If teachers need to inform you of anything, they will continue to send home a slip at the end of the day with your child, please check this before you leave as they may wish you to pop round to the school office so that they can speak to you in person.


The main gate will be open from 8:20am in the morning for drop off.  We expect all children to be in class by 8:30am for Registration.


Classroom doors will not be opened until 8:30am. For children who will be arriving from 8:20am we would like them to make their way round to the MUGA where they will be supervised by staff until being dismissed to their classes at 8:30am. Parents are asked to drop children to the MUGA using the one-way system and again promptly leaving via the playground gate. Only Nursery Parents will be permitted to wait with their children in the MUGA, all other parents are expected to leave their children so that a routine and independence develops. Children have been excellent with this process during the last academic year. 


Registers will be taken at 8:30am, and pupils arriving after 8:30am will be marked as late.  Children arriving after 8:40am will be marked as an Unauthorised Absence.


Initially, pupils in Nursery and Reception will be on a phased timetable to ensure that staff get to know the new children joining our school in small groups. Details of these will have been sent out to families in separate correspondence. Therefore, the timings above for these children come into force from after your individual transition timetable comes to an end. 


The main school gate will be opened from 3:05pm Monday to Friday for collection. Again, we ask that you use the one-way system when collecting your child/ren and leave the grounds via the playground gate through the car park. The only exception is for EYFS parents who have no other children to drop off or collect, they may leave via the Nursery gate into the car park. 


We will be using the front car park at either end of the day, and so there will not be any parking on site for parents.  Please use the roads around the school carefully and with consideration for the local community.

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